Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Little Person's Query - Patricia Catherine Jones 1967

A Little person stopped and stared at Earth in all her glory
“I wonder if good Earth you would tell us your life story?
Would you please tell us why you were placed exactly where you are?
What useful purpose do you serve – why a planet not a star?
Did you feel pain or terror the day God gave you birth?
Knowing then that Mankind would call you “Mother” Earth?
You’ve nurtured us, sustained us and held us to you tightly,
But sometimes in your moodiness you’ve rejected us as lightly.
You’ve drowned us in your raging seas, swallowed us in ‘quakes
Tortured us with raging thirst – shown us mirages of lakes.
To give us bliss with one hand, with another give us Hell
What sort of Mother are you who should do all things well?
Please speak to us dear Mother, our eyes look for a sign
In you we seek the signpost to show us the Divine,
But brother turns on brother and hatred scars your face
Oh! Can you not do something these errors to erase?
Our voices cry in longing “Dear Father send again
The Shepherd who can lead us to where Truth and Beauty reign.”
He will lead us to green pastures and by quiet waters lie
“We do not ask for greater wealth” – Earth answered with a sigh“
You turn to me for comfort and I have none to give
I can only give you sustenance so that your bodies live.
It’s true sometimes I have reared up and sacrificed my young,
Drowned them in my hungry seas and lashed them with my tongue.”
“What Mother does not oftimes chastise her dearest child
When his foolish stupid antics are apt to make her wild?
You call for the Good Shepherd to walk the Earth once more
Think you Men would listen in these days of hate and war?
My purpose in the scheme of things is plain for all to see
And those having ears should hear and those having eyes should see.”
“But having eyes that see not and hearts that know not Love
How can you read the portents and omens from Above?
Another cycle has been turned and now the crucial thing
Can you dear children of my Soul survive the upward swing?
Mankind doth stand pinned on his Cross, braced on the lower arc,
Together you must rise – together make your mark.”
“Love ye one another babes, for Love unlocks the Gate,
Ye cannot pass unless you do, but only stand and wait.
To wait in fear with trembling limbs and anxious beating hearts,
Fearing the coming of each day and what that day imparts.
Unleashed Powers lurk around and several have a Key
To unlock those hidden terrors for all Mankind to see.”
“Then who would see, or who would hear and who would even live?
I say to you my children my bosom could not give
A place for you to lay your heads, or food for you to eat.
My soul would weep in bitterness to witness Man’s defeat
A bereft Mother I would be – my family departed,
Aeons of time before I’d see some other offspring started.”
“The ripple on the water’s face I’d eagerly await.
From water came you long ago, but perhaps another gate
Would open up to let you thro’ – not Earth but in the air
Your new bodies would be formed and they’d be wondrous fair.
Perchance another Shepherd would come to lead you Home,
Maybe this time you’d follow Him – not hankering to roam.”
“Why stray when in your secret hearts you know you are Divine,
Can you not see the way lies clear? – hold fast to what is thine.
The act of Creation lies in thee, a gift from God most High.
Create a Heaven here on Earth and no longer will I sigh
For gifts for all my children, for nothing will they need.
Love, Peace and Beauty will be yours if only you would heed.”
“Listen to a Mother’s words, then no secrets will be hidden
And treasures I will offer in abundance when I am bidden
By Him who, in his greatest Love and Wisdom bid me hide
Until such time as ye are grown and working side by side
To bring about his Holy Plan in all sincerity
Knowing that your aim is Love, shared in Humility.
Written by my Mother – Patricia Catherine Jones in July 1967.

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